Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Xbox 360 repair 3 red lights procedure

The Xbox 360 is a very fun video game console. It came out almost a year earlier than its competitors, the Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii. It has a wide range of video games, from role playing games, to shooting games, to racing games, to fighting games.

Unfortunately, from time to time, it has some hardware problems, the most common being 3 of the 4 lights around the power button going from green to red. They also start flashing. This is a very common problem. So common that it has been dubbed by the gaming community as the red ring of death.

This means that there???s a hardware problem with your console. It usually results from overheating, but it can be caused for several reasons, including misuse, dirt, or too much use.

You normally have to send it to Microsoft for an Xbox 360 repair 3 red lights procedure. It???s a process that takes several weeks and it might not be available where you live.

You might think that the people at Microsoft do some obscure complicated process to perform an Xbox 360 repair 3 red lights process. You might also think it takes a great deal of knowledge, but in reality, it doesn???t. In fact, it???s simple enough that you could do it yourself if you knew how to.

Your Xbox 360 spends most of those 3-4 weeks in transit or resting on a shelf in some warehouse, waiting for an Xbox 360 repair 3 red lights authorization, or a free technician. The actual repair process only takes an hour or two. Really, there???s no point in sending your console and wait for some executive to give an Xbox repair 3 red lights approval so that a technician can work on your console, when you could do the whole process in your house.

If you want to get your Xbox 360 up and running again in a couple of hours, instead of several weeks, then you must check out some DIY (Do It Yourself) Guides.

You can find the guide at Fixya 360. It will show you the Xbox 360 repair 3 red lights process step by step. It doesn???t require any previous technical knowledge or specialized tools. Just an hour or two and a few common household tools and it???s back to enjoying your console again.

xbox 360 fix: xbox 360 fix

xbox 360 fix: xbox 360 repair guide

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Know how to fix xbox 360 red ring of death

Like any other gaming machine, xbox 360 has also some problems and the major problem is red ring of death and if you are interested to know how to fix xbox 360 red ring of death, please read the article carefully. First of all don???t worry and you are not alone, hundreds of thousands of other people have also experienced same problem and that???s why you are here and interested to know how to fix xbox 360 red ring of death.

You might see one, two, three or four red lights and each red light has some meaning and with the number of red lights in your xbox 360, you can easily identify the problem associated with your gaming console. One red light generally appears when there is a hardware problem in the console and two red lights appear when there is an overheating problem. Three red lights are generally known as red ring of death or rrod and it occurs when a hardware failure occurs with xbox 360 and four red lights indicates that the main connection to the console is loose and you need to either fix it or replace it.

There are plenty of options available to fix xbox 360 red ring of death and the most common options include hiring an engineer for repairing the console, sending the gaming console to Microsoft for repair and doing the job yourself with the help of an easy DIY guide available at the Internet. Both the former options are costly and an engineer might ask you $100 to $120 and Microsoft charges $140 for repair, however the last option is most economical as here the total expenses will be below $30.

With the help of a guide, you can fix xbox 360 red ring of death yourself as most of the time overheating disconnects the soldering wire and you need to fix it.

The do it yourself audio-video guide explains the procedure of soldering step by step and even if you are not a technical person, you can do the job yourself easily. So, go for a guide and know how to fix xbox 360 red ring of death yourself and fix the problem within less than two hours and enjoy gaming as usual.

xbox 360 fix: xbox 360 repair codes

xbox 360 fix: xbox 360 repair in colorado

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